

Olifantenpad was a Minecraft mod I wrote for the Fabric mod loader. My intention was to learn how to write mods using Fabric, because I had previously only used Forge. Unfortunately the mod was taken offline due to my inactivity after publishing. Minecraft mods need to be actively maintained because mods are not compatible across versions.

This is the orignal Curseforge description:

Olifantenpaden (Dutch for desire paths) are paths that form along trails people have traversed often enough. Requires Fabric API.

This mods adds desire paths into Minecraft using Fabric. Path generation is customisable using the configuration file. ModMenu is supported, though adding custom path types can only be done through editing the json file. You simply give two block IDs that represent the two states of the path, along with a required depth. The depth of a path is increased when someone walks over it, and resets when the block changes.

Notice you can configure it in such a way that a path can be generated on another path, allowing for natural looking paths to form.

Minecraft mods are written in Java (as is Minecraft).